How to Prevent And Repair Pavement Cracks And Asphalt Potholes
Asphalt pavement is constantly under stress due to exposure to the weather elements and a constant flow of vehicle traffic. Preventative maintenance goes a long way toward halting pavement cracks, but there are also a few things you can do to stop bigger types of damage from getting worse. Learning how to prevent pavement cracks and asphalt damage puts you in a good position to save money on major Southern Georgia asphalt repair services.
What Are Good Strategies to Prevent Pavement Cracks and Asphalt Repairs?
Most pavement cracks develop when the binding ingredients in the asphalt start to break down. Sealing asphalt pavement helps to prevent water and other contaminants from seeping into the top layers of the parking lot or road.
You’ll also want to clean asphalt paving to remove debris that can hold water closer to the surface. Power washing the asphalt pavement further helps to remove corrosive materials that can lead to faster cracking.
What Are Signs That Pavement Needs Repairs For Pavement Cracks and Asphalt Damage
You can usually notice signs that the payment needs Southern Georgia asphalt repair services fairly early in the progression of the damage. If you notice tiny cracks in the asphalt paving, then it’s best to plan for repairs right away. Once cracks begin to run into each other, they can cause bigger chunks of the pavement to break off and turn into asphalt potholes.
How Do You Repair Asphalt Potholes?
Discovering asphalt potholes in your parking lot or driveway still doesn’t mean that you’ll have to resurface the whole pavement. Pothole repair often involves patching only the area that has damage. When our crew performs a pothole repair, they can choose from partial or full-depth patching services to correct the issue with minimal disruptions to your business’s normal operations.
Does Sealcoating Repair Pavement Cracks?
Sealing asphalt can fill in barely detectible pores and cracks in asphalt paving, but you’ll need to plan for an actual repair for damage that reaches a noticeable size. If there are asphalt potholes and larger cracks, then we’ll need to fix them before we add a seal coat.
How Do You Fix Bigger Cracks in Asphalt Pavement?
Similar to our options for pothole repair, we have several solutions for mending pavement cracks. We can use special sealers and fillers to eliminate small cracks that are just starting to form. Once cracks are around one-eighth inch or longer, we’ll usually need to route and clean the area before using our filling materials. If cracks extend throughout the pavement, then we’ll need to evaluate the cause and provide you with a long-term solution for halting the damage.
Pick An Experienced Southern Georgia Asphalt Repair Team
Lay N Spray is equipped with a knowledgeable team that knows how to provide top-notch Southern Georgia asphalt repair services that include preventative parking lot maintenance. Whether we are putting in new concrete and asphalt paving, refreshing faded pavement with sealcoating or applying parking lot striping, you can trust that we go the extra mile to make sure it’s done right. Our repair services are designed to fix pavement cracks ranging from barely noticeable lines to major potholes. To get your free quote on power washing, crack repairs and more, give us a call today at 912-816-4463 or submit our quick online form.